TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - I realize Im biased (my car is running 2860rs turbos)
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Subject I realize Im biased (my car is running 2860rs turbos)
Posted by Zsgetyoulaid on April 03, 2015 at 11:00 PM
  This message has been viewed 299 times.
In Reply To stock IC piping, fmic, 2.5" exhaust isn't helping posted by Zvil (FL) on April 03, 2015 at 06:37 PM
Message and that from my seat, these are bench arguments, but I was under the impression that 2860rs turbos still have superior spool characteristics to the gtx variants. When my Z was first built, there was a car that had just gotten finished with GTX turbos (I want to say GTX2863s, but I honestly cant remember). Cars were driven back to back and the operator said that the 2860rs car still had better spool.

Additionally, Ive read (again, not experienced) thats generally the case across the board. GTX turbos dont really shine unless on E85 and at the top of the powerband. Whereas the 2860rs turbos have less peak power, but more response.

Can you provide more input on either or both sides of this coin?

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